Tuesday, August 31, 2010

On a lighter note . .

Kim did such a great job of blogging our summr activities, but she wasn't around for everythng.  So today I'm doing another "Random Blog" from summer, and trying to keep my mind on something besides pain. 
One day the kids found a nest of baby quail in an old tire on our place.  There were about 18 of them and no mom in sight!
Rob, Jodi and Trey stopped by one Sunday afternoon and offered a ride to Wallowa Lake.  It was a rainy day, but always a beautiful drive.  Here are Rob andJodi by the lake. 

Everyday the kids checked the birds.  They started with about 18 and they all died but 4.  Ron realized they couldn't get out of the tire to hunt for food, so he fixed it so they could get out.  After that, they wereen't seen again!
Randy was the coach of the East Shrine team.  They lost, but played a good game.  It's always fun to watch him coach.  That's him in the red had.  My blog is confused, I don't know why.  But, I try.  It keeps me entertained! 


garrynkim said...

I didn't know about the quail!! How sad. Blogging is frustrating sometimes!!

Krissy T. said...

Well, I tried to help you blog the other day and your computer/blog setup is a lot different than mine, so I couldn't figure yours out either. Too bad it took dad so long to figure out how to save the quail!