We help grandkids celebrate birthdays---Ella turns 11! Isn't she pretty?
We watch grandkids play ball--Trey is the guy in the white shirt hustling down the court!
Trey's the one shooting--and he made it!
He made this one, too! Good job Trey!
We experiment with the new camera--This picture of Krissy (sewing) was taken from across 2 rooms! 10X--love it!
I'm still in shock that Krissy's sewing! But the camera is good! Looks like you had a fun past couple weeks.
She sewed a straight seam down the front of a button dress--but she does that well : )
The boys look good playing their games. And yes, Ella is very pretty! I'm very impressed that you've figured out how to zoom on your camera :) Way to go, Mom!
My camera is about to bite the dust--just in time for Beckham to arrive:(
Or, you can add more children. Guess I can't get old, though someone referred to our 8-year-old as "your grand daughter". Could be, but not. In any case, we're happy David gets to leave the Railroad behind after 35 years! We'll see what retirement brings.
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