Friday, September 10, 2010

I Cried!

I felt like crying.

I looked at the clock--3 a.m.--I couldn't sleep and was sitting in the big chair in the living room.

My legs hurt soooo bad, both of them.  If asked to describe the pain, I would say, "It feels like giant snakes are going up and down my leg spewing their venom as they go." 

But, no one was there to tell that to.  Just me.  In pain.

Yesterday my back was swollen like a soft ball.  I iced it.  It didn't help.

It worried me.  I called the Dr's office.  "Come in tomorrow," she said.  "9:45"

Now, only 6 3/4 hours until 9:45!

I prayed  the pain would  go away--that I could sleep.  And

I cried.


Krissy T. said...

What did the doctor say? I would cry if I was up at 3 am, whether I was in pain or not!

garrynkim said...

you deserve your pity party. I'll join you!! Everything sounds horrible and I wouldn't want to be going through it.

kc and k said...

It was bigger than a soft ball it was a small watermelon! Only a few more weeks of healing. You can do it!

Heather said...

I hope you get better soon! I'm so sorry you're in pain.

Debbie said...

I feel so bad that you are in pain. It takes so much energy to get through it. And the emotional toll is rough. I will keep praying for you. Take Care!!

Audra said...

I cried just reading it!! Tears come pretty easily for me nowadays, but I'm definitely not in as much pain as you are!! We'll pray for you.