Monday, November 16, 2009

A little Lift

Well, after being down for so long, and Ron being down, too, it was getting a little gloomy around here.  But, last weekend Randy and Trampis came to stay after a football game, and Ky, Kres and Beckham dropped in for a surprise visit!!  I was so happy to have everyone here for a short time.  Trampis and Randy did quite a bit of work around the place in the way of winterizing; and of course, Kres had to help.

                              Trampis isn't real comfortable holding babies, but Beckham didn't realize it!

                  Randy and Kres experimented with how high you can build a block tower before it falls over!

                                         Beckham, in the meantime, was exploring new foods!

Then the work began.  Trampis and Kres helped Randy put some summer things in the barn loft for winter storage.

                             Putting the 4-wheelers away for the winter was a fun job for Kres and Randy. 

                               Kres found an elk shed that was a little too hard for a little boy to handle!

                                                          ..So Randy helped him out!

                                                    Riding the saddles was an OK job, too.

                                          Bekham had plenty of time to explore in the familly room!

                                                      Beckham is so cute and sweet!

Putting the last touches on the clean up--Kres explores one more time.  All in all, it was a great weekend.   Thanks for dropping in, Ky and helping me in the house, and Thanks to Trampis and Randy for helping so much outside!    we love you all!


garrynkim said...

I wish I had fun people just drop in to help me out!! Looks like everyone had a fun weekend.

kc and k said...

It was a super fun weekend. I don't know who gave the bigger "lift"!

Krissy T. said...

Very cute! I'm sure Randy and Trampis could not have done it without their tag-a-long helper!