Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Survive Back Surgery 101

I just had my 14th surgery, and that's 14 too many!  Someone said, "You could write a book" . .  .so, here goes.   You can make surviving back surgery (or any surgery for that matter), by planning ahead.

believe it or not, a small incision can cause a lot of painYou'll need a few good books

. . .a few mmindless-reading magazines
a phone, a remote for the light switch, a paging system, and, sadly, a barph pan : (

You'll need a cane and a devise to pick things up off the floor--because when you can't bend, lift or twist, you drop everything. . .
Don't forget someone or something to keep you company. . .
. . .a computer and Sudku book are necessities.  .
You definitely need pain pills, pills for muscle spasms, and anti-inflammatory pills. . .
Ice packs--more than one, because you will definitely forget to put them back in the freezer. . .
A TV, with lots of good programs DVR'd to waatch during the wee hours of the night when you are iceing your back--
And, of course, tape and gauze to protect the incision, and plastic bags to tape over it when you shower...
Don't forget the high-fiber snacks to get the bodily functions moving. . .
A couple of good caregivers are essential. . .
After all of this, you should be pretty well set.   Then be patient.  It's been three weeks, and I am still  using all of the above, waiting and hoping for the day the pain goes away and all is well.   But, in spite of all the planning, I forgot one thing....CANDLES---the power went out yesterday from 2 pm until 9:30 pm.   It's really weird to be in the house with no power but candles, and you don't feel like getting dressed and going someplace and the house gets darker and colder and darker and colder--until, finallly a truck shows up at the power pole across from the house, you see sparks flying from the top of the pole and . . .at least it gives you something to do when all else fails.   Well, hope you learned a little about surviving surgery--I'm still in that mode and hope to be feeling a lot better soon!


Krissy T. said...

Cute post, Mom! I'm glad you finally were able to get it done. It was a pleasure to help you out. Hope it improves! You're about 1/2 way there (they say 6 weeks).

garrynkim said...

Well, lets hope that I never have to refer to this post for my own recovery!! I really am praying it DOES get better and that you are soon pain free, you deserve that!

kc and k said...

Thanks for the tips. Back surgery does not sound fun. But, I think I could enjoy SOME of your recovery techniques like napping whenever I needed to, hours of DVRed tv, great care givers, etc. etc.
I, too, am praying for your speedy recovery!