My Dad, Bill Calvert could not serve as a foot soldier, because he was too short (5' tall) and had flat feet. So he served in the Army Corp of Engineers building military houseing and power dams during WWII
John Hendrickson, recipient of a Purple Heart
Bud Hendrickson, recipient of a Purple Heart
Leon Hendrickson, recipient of a Purple Heart
Edward Waite
Richard Waite--Army and Air Force
Dennis Waite--Marine Corp
Alan Waite--Army
Dmitri Waite
Kresimir Waite
Patxi Waite
Clay Thurston--Afganistan
Jay Lawson---West Point Graduate
Jack Jensen
Russell Farmer
Thank you all, and many others who I may have overlooked. I admire you and love you for your service. I am proud to be an American!
Thank you all, and many others who I may have overlooked. I admire you and love you for your service. I am proud to be an American!